Event Registration

Torch Training Girls Inc - Worcester
10/05/2024 09:45 AM - 10/06/2024 05:15 PM ET

125 Providence St, Worcester, MA 01604

Teen Information

Enter the information for the person participating in the Torch Training.

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Parent/Guardian Information

Enter the information for the Parent/Guardian of the individual attending the Torch Training.

Emergency Contact

Health Information

Enter the health information for the individual participating in the Torch Training.

Training Consent

Our mission at The Torch Foundation is to provide a two-day workshop and follow-up program to increase teens' social/emotional intelligence and leadership skills while gaining confidence in who they are. The workshop is specifically designed to target the areas of self-control, responsibility, integrity, self-awareness, coping and resolution skills, goal setting, and communication. The teens will also learn the value of creating healthy relationships through a safe and engaging environment. These relationships include their families, friends, AND themselves, ultimately setting them up for a successful future.

This signed release grants permission for the teen named below to participate in The Torch Foundation’s personal growth workshop.

Due to local and state regulations, nicotine products, vaping devices, drugs, alcohol, etc., are NOT allowed to be used during the Training and will result in dismissal.

Parent/Guardian Consent and Release

I (Parent/Legal Guardian) agree to allow my child to participate in the Torch training and to abide by the following terms and conditions.

1. I understand that my child has been invited to attend this program, designed to uncover personal behaviors and enable them to modify their approach and response to life events in individual and social settings.

2. I acknowledge that the facilitators, staff, and assistants are not providing psychological therapy and are not responsible for any results the child may receive from the program. I also understand that the program is offered for educational purposes only.

3. I absolve The Torch Foundation, its board of directors, staff, consultants, and volunteers of any liability for issues arising after the program completion.

4. I agree that all communications between participants should be treated as confidential and not disclosed to any non-participant without the written consent of all parties concerned.

5. I understand the workshop is a 2-day program, and full participation is essential.

6. I acknowledge that my child will be required to communicate by phone once a week for one month following the workshop with a vetted and experienced Coach from The Torch Foundation program. These calls are necessary for the completion and award of a certificate.

7. I understand that no cell phones will be allowed during my child's participation in the Torch Foundation workshop on Saturday and Sunday, and teens must surrender their phones while in class.

Teen Consent

To be completed by the individual participating in the Torch Training.

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